Palestinian prisoner dies of heart attack, so naturally Israel is blamed

Daoud al-Khatib, 45, an Islamic Jihad terrorist who was sentenced to 18 years of prison in 2003, died of a heart attack with six months left in his sentence.

As always happens when prisoners die, the Palestinians across the board are accusing Israel of "medical negligence."

The Samidoun Prisoners Network says so. The Palestinian Prisoners Club says so. Islamic Jihad says so. The PLO says so. 

The Human Rights and Civil Society Department of the Palestine Liberation Organization called on the international community and its bodies to break their silence about the occupation crimes against Palestinian and Arab prisoners and put an end to the violations committed against them, foremost of which is the policy of medical negligence, which has become a tool in the hands of the occupation authorities to practice a policy of slow killing for them.

Based on the articles on al-Khatib's death, he suffered a stroke several years ago, and he was treated for that at the time. Afterwards he underwent  open heart surgery - paid for by the Israeli taxpayer. After his latest heart attack the Israeli prison authorities attempted to revive him with defibrillation. 

In other words, the "negligent" Israelis did everything they could to keep this terrorist alive. 

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