Well-known Saudi intellectual: “Simply put, Palestine is not my issue”



Saudi intellectual Dr. Turki Al-Hamad is a prominent American educated writer and former university professor. He is an unapologetic liberal in the very conservative kingdom.

His tweet about the idea of Saudi Arabia normalizing relations with Israel has been ruffling some feathers:

If I was in Saudi Arabia's place, I would normalize (relations with Israel) today. (Saudia would be) censured either way, "like barley, eaten, yet denigrated" (Arabic proverb about something or someone good and useful, that is denigrated despite being good and useful).

Your Highness, Crown Prince Muhammad (Bin Salman), normalize (relations with Israel), since all the Arab anger is just a storm in a teacup. Jerusalem was Judaized, and what did they [the Arabs]  do? Nothing. They don't want to solve the (Palestinian) issue. They want to let the injustice go on (this might be sarcastic) and weep about the (supposed plot to rebuild the Jewish) Temple.  Believe me, they and the Shiite Hizbullah do not deserve respect.

Simply put, Palestine is not my cause/issue.

(h/t Ibn Boutros)


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