Islamic Jihad claims a major espionage victory against Israel. (It was not as big as they pretend.)




For the past week, Islamic Jihad has been saying that they will release a major film showing how they damaged the Israeli security apparatus.

The film, “The Spider’s House,”  was just released.  Here’s an excerpt:


It documents how over the course of several years, Islamic Jihad members pretended to be “collaborators” with the Shin Bet so they could see how Israel recruits and trains spies.

They seem to have taken some hidden camera videos in Israel, and the Shin Bet gave  them a cell phone that hides its apps that can be used to securely communicate with their handler.

As far as I can tell, that was it. I see no evidence that Israel acted on any of their bogus tips. It seems that Islamic Jihad used their knowledge to help them find a real collaborator in Gaza, so in that sense they gained something, but this is hardly worth a 38 minute documentary being shown on Al Mayadeen TV.

The real reason for making such a big deal over this appears to be to scare real collaborators in Gaza and convince them to become double agents. Islamic Jihad leader Daoud Shihab said, “The path of return is open and everyone who fell into the trap as a result of some weakness can turn into a mujahid and a hero who serves his religion, country and people.”


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