Iran should be celebrating: Zarif says Israel-UAE deal will strengthen Iran



Sometimes Iran’s propaganda gets positively humorous.

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Monday that the United Arab Emirates cannot become more secure through buying security from Israel, according to a Press TV report.

…“Undoubtedly, the agreement will result in fortification of the resistance axis in the region,” the ministry said in a statement.

So Iran will get stronger. Isn’t that what Iran wants?

“History will reveal how this strategic mistake by the Zionist regime and this act of backstabbing by the Emirates against the Palestinians and, by extension, the entire Muslim community, will conversely result in fortifying the resistance axis,” the ministry added.

Shouldn’t he be celebrating Israel’s strategic mistake?

And isn’t it nice of him to care enough about Israel to warn her that it is making such a mistake? I mean, Israel would have to be stupid not to take his friendly advice, am I right?


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