Erdogan’s video shows he wants to control Jerusalem



This video from the President of Turkey’s Communications Directorate shows how Recep Tayyip Erdoğan views Turkey.

It is a very militaristic video, going from Turkish soldiers on horses onto showing them in fighter jets.

But the very last frames of the video feature the Temple Mount showing the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock.

Is it Erdogan’s goal? Is he wishing for a return to the Ottoman Empire and control of Jerusalem?

Whatever it is, it is a huge insult to Israel.

(One might think that it is an insult to Palestinians as well, but they never cared about Al Aqsa being under the control of others before 1967. As long as Jews don’t control it, they seem to be fine with it.)

(h/t Diana Muir Appelbaum)


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