A brief debunking of the “Blacks are the real Jews” theory


Many Black antisemites insist that they are the real Jews and Jews are imposters, and they claim that they have science and history on their side.

So let’s look at their evidence.

This article in Medium by “Black Simba” is fairly typical in its list of proofs.


Tacitus a Roman historian, even states his thoughts on the origins of the Jews to be descended from Africans:

“Others assert that in the reign of Isis the overflowing population of Egypt, led by Hierosolymus and Judas, discharged itself into the neighbouring countries. Many, again, say that they were a race of Ethiopian origin..”

-Tacitus (Roman historian, History V: Theories of Jewish Origins, written circa 105 AD)

If you look up Tacitus Histories, he also says three other theories of the origin of Jews, each with as little proof as the others.

It is said that the Jews were originally exiles from the island of Crete who settled in the farthest parts of Libya at the time when Saturn had been deposed and expelled by Jove….Still others report that they were Assyrian refugees, a landless people, who first got control of a part of Egypt, then later they had their own cities and lived in the Hebrew territory and the nearer parts of Syria. Still others say that the Jews are of illustrious origin, being the Solymi, a people celebrated in Homer's poems,5 who founded a city and gave it the name Hierosolyma, formed from their own.

This cherry picking of the words of an unreliable historian reporting rumors is proof of nothing.

2.  From a similar article in Medium by Addison:

In 2001, Dr. Ariella Oppenheim and her team at Tel Aviv University released their study which found that the European Jew-ish people were mainly from Khazaria, a Caucasus country which is now called Kazakhstan, Georgia, and other names. The Khazarians converted from pagan religions to talmudic Judaism after the 8th century.

Here’s what the paper actually says:

It is believed that the majority of contemporary Jews descended from the ancient Israelites that had lived in the historic land of Israel until ∼2000 years ago. Many of the Jewish diaspora communities were separated from each other for hundreds of years. Therefore, some divergence due to genetic drift and/or admixture could be expected. However, although Ashkenazi Jews were found to differ slightly from Sephardic and Kurdish Jews, it is noteworthy that there is, overall, a high degree of genetic affinity among the three Jewish communities. Moreover, neither Ashkenazi nor Sephardic Jews cluster adjacent to their former host populations, a finding that argues against substantial admixture of males.

This is the exact opposite of the claim.

3. From Addison:

In 70 AD the Romans invaded Israel causing millions of Israelites to escape to Africa. “In his book ,The Great Roman-Jewish War: 66–70, the Roman historian, Flavius Josephus, stated over thousands of years ago,that the Israelites migrated into Africa. He writes:

“General Vaspasian and his son Caesar Titus fought against the Jews. Millions of Jews fled into Africa, among other places, fleeing from Roman persecution and starvation during the siege.”

Millions of Jews streaming into Africa would be a very compelling proof from an eyewitness. However, I could not find this passage in Josephus, assuming that  the book being referred to is “The Wars of the Jews.” I likewise cannot find any scholar who quotes this. It appears to have been fabricated.

4. From Simba:

These maps, drawn/written by different cartographers all show Judah on the African West coast in the 1700s. Some of which show the Kingdom of Judah right on the Slave Coast itself!



The Kingdom of Whydah  in today’s Benin was also spelled Hueda, Whidah, Ajuda, Ouidah, Whidaw, Juida, and Juda  by various European mapmakers.  The natives pronounced it Owidah, not close to Yehudah. The name is coincidental. Absolutely no one before recently tried to claim that Jews lived there. The people of the kingdom did not have any rituals that could be considered Jewish in the slightest.

5. From Simba:

If you look at the original names of those African slaves that were captured (before Europeans changed their names after getting to the Americas..), many of them had Hebrew names. Searching slavevoyages.org (a database of those that boarded slave ships during the trans-atlantic slave trade) just for names with “yah” (a short for the name of God, example: hallelujah, kumbaya..etc) in them returned over 800 matches, the term “jah” had over 400.

The database he refers to has over 91,000 names. His assertion that any names with “yah” or “jah” are meaningful falls short when you realize that it is only 1.3% of all the names. Moreover, if you choose other consonants besides “j” and “y you get more impressive results: 2400 for “bah,” 1100 for “dah,” 700 for “kah,” 2400 for “lah,” 2450 for “mah,” 900 for “rah,” 700 for “sah,” 800 for “tah.” Meaning that “yah” and “jah” have no relationship whatsoever with anything Jewish.

6. Addison:

Black people of the Diaspora, unlike other Africans, trace their DNA ancestry back to the Land of Israel.

Unfortunately he fails to say anything further about this study. The closest he gets is discussing the Lemba:

In the 1990’s, a black Hebrew tribe called the Lemba, that resides in Zimbabwe, had their DNA tested in a study done by The Center for Genetic Anthropology at University College London. The DNA test confirmed, that the Lemba, had the same DNA sequences as the Israelite priests, that many believe to be the descendants of Aaron, the older brother of Moses. The results from the study means that the Lemba tribe share the same DNA as the ancient Israelites.

That study, and more recent studies, do not support the conclusion that the Lemba descended from the ancient Israelites, rather all that could be proven was that they patrilineally  originated in the Middle East, because other tribes had the Cohen haplotype. 

Addison makes a similar claim about the Igbo tibe of Nigeria which has a similarly tenuous claim on having Jewish origins.

It is possible that a  few African tribes have some Jewish origin. Jews have spread far and wide. Plus, of course there are Jews who settled in Ethiopia and Tunisia and elsewhere in Africa. But the claim that the majority of Africans who were sold as slaves are descended from Jews has no basis in reality.

Add to this the fact that both these articles knowingly distorted facts and selectively chose others while ignoring the overwhelming evidence that contradicted their proofs, and we see that the idea that most Black descendants of slaves are the original Jews is fiction.

And in at least some cases, it is a thin thread to hold a large basket of Jew-hatred.



7. Slightly off topic but to a similar accusation that Jews were instrumental in the slave trade in North America, here are the facts: There were far more Black slave-owners in the Americas than Jewish slave-owners.

To keep matters in perspective, we should note that in the American South, in 1830, there were only 120 Jews among the 45,000 slaveholders owning twenty or more slaves and only twenty Jews among the 12,000 slaveholders owning fifty or more slaves. Even if each member of this Jewish slaveholding elite had owned 714 slaves—a ridiculously high figure in the American South—the total number would only equal the 100,000 slaves owned by black and colored planters in St. Domingue in 1789, on the eve of the Haitian Revolution.

In actuality, so far as ownership of slaves is concerned, the free people of color in the Caribbean greatly surpassed the much smaller number of Jews. Even in Charleston, South Carolina, the percentage of free African Americans who owned slaves increased from one half to three quarters as one moved up the socio-economic scale as indicated by the ownership of real estate. The thousands of Southern black slave owners included freedpeople who had simply purchased family members or relatives. But there were also colored planters, especially in Louisiana, who owned more than fifty or even one hundred slaves. The allure of profits and power transcended all distinctions of race, ethnicity, and religion.

And the most important point:

No one should defend the small number of Jews who bought and sold slaves, or who forced slaves to cut cane on the estates of Joden Savanne. No one should defend the infinitely larger number of Catholics and Protestants who built the Atlantic slave system, or defend the Muslims who initiated the process of shipping black African slaves to distant markets, or defend the Africans who captured and enslaved perhaps twenty million other Africans in order to sell them to European traders for valuable and empowering goods. But while posterity has the right and even duty to judge the past, we must emphatically renounce the dangerous though often seductive belief in a collective guilt that descends through time to every present and future generation.


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