Palestinian reaction to Holocaust forum: "Palestinians have lived with a Holocaust every day for 70 years"

Felesteen has an article of Palestinian reaction to the International Holocaust Forum being held in Jerusalem. And it is quite predictable.

"The Palestinians are subjected to the Holocaust and daily crimes committed against them for 70 years. The international presence indicates that the world is heading towards the extreme right, and the peoples of the world deal in the language of self-interest, not in the language of principles of international law," the article states.

Writer and political analyst Rasim Obaidat told the newspaper, "The participation of the leaders of about 40 countries in the (Holocaust) Forum demonstrates that the countries of the Western world and the colonial powers always stand by the occupation state." He added that the forum also demonstrates the weakness of Palestinian diplomacy and the collapse of the official Arab system. The presence of major countries is an indication that the occupation is achieving international successes, he said.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine said the large participation in the forum indicates the "hypocrisy of the capitalist system with the Zionist entity's crimes against the Palestinian people." The PFLP added that "this forum and other endeavors of the Zionist entity to exploit the issue of (the Holocaust) is aimed at covering up the imperialist and Zionist crimes against our Palestinian people that have continued to be committed around the clock since 1917".

An article in Fatah's website says

Europeans victorious in the European war called the Second World War meet to announce remorse for their heinous colonial actions against the Jews, but at the same time they put their hands in the new terrorist monster they made, which is the state of the Zionist aggression, atone for their sins where the persecution took place, but they were established on our land, with a loose religious cover.
They wrote history and lied in their racial greed, just as the priests of the Torah lied. Instead of respecting them in their countries in Europe and Russia, they considered them garbage that must be disposed of.

....The Holocaust of Palestine has  been happening since the entry of General Allenby to Palestine.
Again, Holocaust denial seems to be out of fashion. Now it is Holocaust revisionism where the main victims are Palestinian.

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