Still 80% of Gazans killed in border riots linked to terror groups

A week ago I linked to the Terrorism Info Center analysis that showed that 80% of the first 32 people killed on the Gaza border in the "Great Return March" were not innocent civilians but were linked to terror groups, with many of them known to be terrorists themselves.

The report has been updated ahead of tomorrow's riots, and the percentage remains the same: 80% of the dead are linked to terror groups:

The Hamas-controlled ministry of health in the Gaza Strip reported that 40 Palestinians have been killed during the "great return march" events since March 30, 2018, when the rioting began along the Gaza Strip-Israel border (updated to April 25, 2018).2 The information provided by the Gaza ministry of health, which is used by the Israeli and international media, does not include a statistical distribution or distinguish between terrorist operatives(and those affiliated with them) and civilians. As far as the ITIC has been able to determine, no sources in the Gaza Strip make such a distinction. As a result, the impression given to world public opinion is that all the casualties were innocent Palestinian civilians. The analysis conducted by the ITIC shows that most of the Palestinians killed were terrorist operatives or individuals affiliated with the terrorist organizations.
The interim findings of the ITIC analysis revealed that 32 of the 40 Palestinians killed
(80%) were terrorist operatives or individuals affiliated with them
, distributed as follows:
• 18 of the 32 (about 56%) were terrorist operatives belonging to or affiliated with Hamas:
• Nine were operatives in Hamas' military wing (the Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades) and operatives in Hamas' security forces.
• Nine were affiliated with or linked to Hamas, based on circumstantial evidence (Hamas issued death notices for them, their bodies were wrapped in Hamas flags, or other supporting evidence).
• Ten were members of Fatah, two of them operatives in its military wing and eight with organizational affiliation or connections
 • Two belonged to the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), one to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), one to Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine PFLP).

ITIC goes on:
The ITIC's interim findings clearly show that terrorist operatives (especially Hamas operatives), or Palestinians affiliated with terrorist organizations, play a key role in the front lines of the "great return march" demonstrations near the fence. They are primarily
involved in violent clashes with the IDF and on occasion carry out terrorist attacks. Conspicuous is the small number of civilian activists and ordinary civilians, who were involved in organizing the march, involved in rioting with the IDF. They were left behind when the violence began. 
This story has still not been reported in any media as far as I can tell. And it just shows that the media will believe Hamas lies over the truth.

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