Palestinian Mafia: Abbas' spokesman again threatens the world if they don't get what they demand

This happens pretty much daily.

PA president Abbas' official spokesman, Nabil Abu Rudeina, said that any alternative peace plan to the minimum Palestinian demand for Jerusalem, 1967 lines, "right of return"  and so forth is doomed to failure and will be rejected outright.

But then he added the mob-style threat that every PLO and PA and Fatah leader always adds, saying that any peace plan that doesn't adhere to the Palestinian demands  "will create more tension and instability in the region and the world."

You can almost hear him saying, "We don't want you to get hurt, see?"

Western leaders simply ignore these threats, as if they weren't an admission that Palestinians and their supporters are violent, irrational people who will instigate violence unless they are mollified with every demand fully met. People just waiting for the signal to come out and start a war or a terror spree.

Yet there is no other interpretation.

Abu Rudenia even looks like  mobster:

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